2014年9月19日 星期五




本文主要資訊來源譯自~Dr. Linda Posch MS SLP ND )      戴毅銘  譯

()造出離子水是追尋身體生理再生之路;自然且完善的水鼓舞著某些渴求的人們來奪取。現代電解()的技術源自Michael Faraday ( 法拉第 ) - 他發明了直流發電機和磁電機。 在電能領域 Michael Faraday是一個受到尊崇的先驅,他的核心發明-電析裝置,攸關著現今水的電解技術。電析法將水電解分離成氫和氧氣,是電解鹼性離子水機的一個基礎關鍵技術。當時,法拉第並不知道他的發現會衝擊影響到以後淨化健康飲水的現代技術。

某些文明領域,水經常關連到生理的再生和來世的生命。 引人入勝地讓人冥想到這個例子~15世紀時征服者哥倫布和其同事曾經展開一場遠征探險,為的是要發現長青之泉,認為那是永恆的池水,將引導到來世生命。Ponce de Leon,為了生命再生水而窮盡地球的末端,佔據了是他大半的生命。

基督教聖經可參考到水可能施予永恆生命。 約翰福音 4 : 13 - 14】,耶穌說:「每個人喝這水後都還會再渴,但不論是誰,我給他不會再渴的意志。 的確,我給他喝的水將成為他湧向永恆來世水的春天」。但這水似乎僅是提振精神的…,或它是? 聖經有提及到耶穌的軀體的復活和升騰,比起精神再生,耶穌是否更加提議到什麼事?

Henri Coanda博士,羅馬尼亞一位顯耀的科學家暨諾貝爾獎得主,在應用科學之領域內他是最先探索水的。他主要為人知曉的是流體動力學的研究和航空發明,然而對水結構的執著意念並沒有被澆熄;根據一次他自身尋訪長壽泉源的科學探究,他的直覺是Hunza(高加索)之水將可以滿足他肩負的使命。 在30年代,Henri Coanda博士親身遠行到Hunza國家來調查他的假說-Hunza之水獨特的

化性,激發了本地人卓越的健康和長壽。在可觀的研究後,他做了實在的結論,這種水在性質和結構上和一般水是不同的。 Hunza之水在溫度降低時,假定它像雪花一樣,晶狀形成。更加顯著的是,這種雪花形態的水,顯露了一個相似於人體靜脈的結構,或相似於植物中脈管的結構。流液經由自然生物內可靠的的運輸路徑,支持維繫著生命。

  喜馬拉雅山Hunza區域是因發現生命之水而最知名的例子,其他地方像中國新疆安地斯山亞塞拜然高加索地區。這些地方充滿許多精力充沛、令人難以置信地健康和長壽的人口。早期的歷史顯露來自俄國日本的研究員探索了CoandaWWII以後某時期探索過的同樣的水。 在40年代,從”Hunza的飲用來達到恢復健康的想像,成為人盡皆知的事。為什麼Hunza居民會長壽的祕密被查明了,發現在Hunza地區生活方式最引人注意的似乎是它的飲水水質。在世上確認的這事就是,”Hunza似乎其妙莫名地幫助了某些最佳的液體維生素的輸送。然而,怎樣或為什麼會是這樣的情況,在當時是不知所以的。

俄國研究員受法拉第早期的技術方法影響,發現了(將直流電通過液體達到化學反應-“電析”)的新方法。 當時,日本研究員也發覺了電析這個新的方法,提昇了他們自己在電解技術上的興趣及另一個水平。 1940年代,在長壽和水的關係上,對這種強烈的興趣把這樣的關係提升到了小說和Shangrila消失的地平線影片的內容中;在傳奇天堂國度裡面的人民是不會死亡的。導演法蘭克指出影片中的描述,在喜馬拉雅深山裡,有個暗藏的、受到保祐的這個世界未知的地方,永恆生命的水注入澆灌在興高采烈的居民當中。

將電流導入()過濾淨化的自來水中,製造出鹼性離子水;藉由通道(離子膜)的隔離,將電解分離成為酸性和鹼性的離子水。 不同酸性和鹼性的離子水有各種不同的目的;酸性水為洗滌清潔方面的用途;鹼性水則為飲用的用途。

日本科學家很快製造出了第一台電解水機,來對他們的俄國同輩的電析研究作分析。1954年,日本農業大學的科學家密集地研究並記錄鹼性離子水和酸性水的作用,同時這個製造過程以功能水技術聞名於世。 植物和動物2類都用在日本的科學研究上;發現酸性水有保護的特性,因此我們今天使用酸性水來讓花朵能夠鮮活地更久。


幾年後在70年代,電解水製造單元導入了韓國,南韓政府也正式地接受。 韓國製造了一台個別家庭使用的電解水機,後來在美國開展開來。 美國科學家依據食品與藥物管理局標準作測試,做了他們自己關於離子水的研究,隨後電解水得到了認證。 電解水機現在得以供給幸運的美國人民。 當美國公民在液體維生素和其他營養補充上年年花費成千上萬元,他們現在得以憑藉具科研和專業形態的的幫助,來輸送攝取到身體中的營養素和其它生命組成成份。

現在電解水機的準則在日本,有3000萬個日本人民擁有捷徑和門路來使用家用的電解水機或其它簡單自由的方式來飲用電解水。 Dr. Barbara宣佈日本是擁有「世界第一衛生保健系統」的國家,並發表在美國醫療協會(JAMA)學報上。在世界上,日本有最高的癌症生存率和 飲用電解水促進健康” 可以劃上等號嗎?

 Starfield博士報告指出,美國在健康和醫療保健的品質上排行第13,還算幸運地,實踐對身體健康的知識比其他的國家,一般來說,還在增加進步當中; 在美國使用電解水機飲用電解水也變得愈來愈普遍。有時候,鹼性離子水已經成為某些層面的明證和萬能藥。不論如何,對全球總人口來說,能夠證明飲用電解水就是通往健康維護與益處的一條快速公路。

有您的閱覽與分享 , 會是我更積極傳揚良善學識的動力 ......

(電解水機園地)Davy 戴毅銘     http://blog.xuite.net/water_ionizer/davy


Dr. Linda Posch MS SLP ND     © IonLife INC 2007

Water Ionization: Historical Account

The quest to create ionized water, a road to the physical regeneration of the human body, was inspired by the desire of certain perseverant individuals to capture nature's perfect water.

The modern technology used in ionization was first invented by Michael Faraday, inventor of the dynamo and the magneto. Michael Faraday was a revered pioneer in the field of electrical energy. With regard to modern water ionization, his core invention was an electrolysis device. Electrolysis is the electronic separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen, a key technological foundation that permitted the invention of the alkaline water ionizer. At the time, Faraday had no clue as to the impact his discovery would later have on the modern technology of purified healthy water.

In certain cultures, water has often been associated with physical regeneration and eternal life. It is fascinating to contemplate the paradigm of life-giving water that once led to Ponce de Leon, a conquistador and colleague of Columbus , to mount a major 15th century expedition to find the Fountain of Youth. This was thought to be an everlasting pool of water that led to eternal life. For Ponce de Leon, the hunt to the ends of the earth for life regenerating water would encompass the majority of his life.

The Christian Bible makes reference to the possibilities of eternal life giving water. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'" (John 4:13-14, NIV). But this water did seem to be merely spiritual … or was it? There was the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus' own physical body as reported in the Bible. Was Jesus suggesting something more than spiritual regeneration?
It is thought that Dr. Henri Coanda, a renowned Rumanian scientist and subsequent Nobel Prize winner, was the first to explore water within the realm of applied science. He is known primarily for his study of fluid dynamics and his aeronautic inventions. However, his obsession with the structure of water was not to be extinguished. His scientific quest was based on a personal search for a source of longevity and his hunch that it was the water of Hunza that would satisfy his mission. In the 1930's Henri Coanda personally journeyed to the country of Hunza to investigate his hypothesis that the water of Hunza had a unique chemistry that fueled the remarkable health and longevity of the native people.

After considerable research he arrived at the conclusion that indeed, the water was different, both in properties and in structure. When the temperature of Hunza water was lowered, it assumed a snowflake-like, crystalline formation. Even more remarkable, the water, in its snowflake state, revealed a structure similar to the venous structure of the human body and to the vascular structure in plants. The natural biological pathways responsible for the transportation of fluids that support life. 

Hunza in the Himalayas is the most well-known of the areas where this paradigm for life giving water was discovered. But there were other places, the Shin-Chan areas of China , the Andes Mountains and the Caucasus in Azerbaijan . Places filled with energetic, incredibly healthy and long-lived populations.

Before scientific efforts were made to recreate Hunza water, there were many scientists intrigued by the connection between Hunza longevity and Hunza water and diet. Researchers were mesmerized by a people who harbored the longest lifespan in the world and women who bore children when they were comparatively older than other women throughout the world. This was a place that seemed to have never been exposed to cancer, the common tooth carie and where degenerative diseases like rheumatism or arthritis, flourishing in the so-called civilized world, had not taken root. What caused this phenomenon of health, vitality, and an overall body balance to originate and blossom in such a far away place?

The riveting force behind Hunza water fascination has been the quest for the water of longevity. The futility of recreating glacial conditions and towering mountainous masses that had originally produced this special water was a certainty to the majority of scientists. They attempted to replicate the structure of the water, certainly a much more laboratory friendly pursuit. The considerations of replication were many: the molecular structure, the high alkalinity, the active hydrogen content, the negative Redox potential and the startlingly high colloidal mineral content. Perhaps it would be a matter of infusing water with a unique form of hydrogen that bore an extra electron.

Early history reveals that researchers from Russia and Japan explored the same waters that Coanda had explored sometime after WWII. By the 1940's Hunza water, with speculations of revitalized health achieved from its consumption, was becoming common knowledge. The virulent quest to ascertain the why and how of Hunza longevity had been launched and it seemed to lie in the Hunza lifestyle and, most intriguing, its water. It certainly seemed the water of Hunza somehow bore or helped transport some of the best liquid vitamins in the world. However, the how or why was simply unknown at this time.

Russian researchers had discovered a brand new method of electrolysis, (chemical change achieved by passing electricity through liquid) influenced by Faraday's earlier technological approach. When Japanese researchers became aware of this new method of electrolysis it raised their own interest in ionization to another level. In the 1940's, this keen interest in longevity and its relationship to water gave rise to the novel and the film Lost Horizons about Shangri-la, the legendary paradisiacal kingdom whose citizens never died. Frank Capra directed the film which portraying a hidden, blessed region, deep in the Himalayas where, undisclosed to the rest of the world, waters of eternal life poured forth for the benefit of its exultant inhabitants.

Alkaline ionic water is produced by a means of introducing electrical current into filtered tap water. This splits the water into an acid component and an alkaline component, each distributed via separate pathways. Varied levels of acidity and alkalinity in waters have different purposes- the more acidic for washing produce or used for overall cleaning and the more alkaline for drinking.

Japanese scientists soon produced the first water ionizer upon analysis of their Russian peer's electrolysis research. It was in 1954 that scientists in Japanese agricultural universities intensively studied and recorded the effects of alkaline ionic water and acid water, the process of manufacture known as functional water technology. Both plants and animals were used in the Japanese scientific studies. It was found that acid water had preservation properties so we use it today to keep cut flowers fresher longer.

More sensitivity and time was needed to conduct research using human beings, and eventually it was proven that alkaline water was not only especially hydrating for humans but was also beneficial health wise. Alkaline water was documented to reverse some diseases and physical ailments.

As commercial alkaline ionic water units were introduced in Japan in 1950, only huge commercial units were utilized by hospitals. Two years later in 1960, a medical/agricultural research institute was formed in Japan , for the sole purpose of ionized water study. January 1966 brought the confirmation of the alkaline ionic water process for health improvement and medical use by the Health and Rehabilitation Ministry of the Japanese Government.

A few years later in the 1970's Korea was introduced to the water ionizing units, also officially accepted by South Korea ’s government. Korea manufactured a unit for individual home use which was later debuted in the U.S. U.S. scientists, under FDA standards of testing, did their own study on ionic water and subsequently got the ionizing water units the FDA stamp of approval. Water ionizing systems were now available to the fortunate people of the United States . With US citizens spending millions annually on liquid vitamins and other supplements, they now had access to a scientific and specialized form of water to help transport nutrients and other life giving components throughout the body.

Water ionizers are now the norm in Japan , with 30 million Japanese citizens having access to ionized water either via home units or simple free access. Dr. Barbara Starfield heralds Japan as having the “number one health care system in the world," as written in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Japan has the highest cancer survival rates in the world. Are the health improvement benefits of alkaline water part of the equation? The United States ranked at a miserable number 13 in quality of health and healthcare, as reported by Dr. Starfield. Thankfully, the individual's knowledge of good health practices, in general, in other countries is on the increase; and the use of water ionizer's in the United States is becoming more common. With time, alkaline ionic water may become, to some, a proven and stellar panacea. Whatever it becomes to the population on the whole, ionized water could prove to be nothing less than a higher road to the preservation of health and wellness.

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美國食品和藥物管理局不採認這樣的語句。網站上所提到的產品不是意圖可以診斷、 治療、 治癒或預防任何疾病。資訊和發言是為教育目的,並非要取代你的家庭醫生的建議。

