Conscious Community,
Last evening at 11:11 pm, and in the beautiful Light of the full moon, my father, Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr., took his last breath on the earthly plane, in Peace and Golden Light. He was blessed in the sacred space of his loving family.
In the final days of his life there was much healing, integration and reunion and celebration. May we all aspire toward that every moment of our lives.
His life’s work was focused on improving the health of mankind worldwide, and he has done exactly that. Letters and messages from around the world are pouring in to thank and celebrate him for literally saving, changing or improving their lives and in countless ways “making them a better person.”
May we all aspire to hold that space for even just one.
In this moment, I am sitting in my father’s private office, experiencing the Both/And to its fullest: Both the deep grieving of what appears to be a loss in my physical dimension and a celebration of all of Life and an invitation to meet with him in the non-physical version of myself: An invitation to Spirit.
Many of you had the opportunity to experience my father directly and many of you did not, but all of you knew him: If you ever saw or felt the passion of Life, learning and an inquiry toward what matters most, you knew him.
If you ever returned to the basics when life got too complicated and just took a walk in the garden or the grass, you knew him.
If you ever just dropped inside and went with what you deeply felt to be true regardless of what the authorities, experts or the common crowd would think, you knew him. If you felt the victory of a great achievement or the frustration of being grossly misunderstood, or if you simply wanted to be better at some things than you were able to be in any given moment, but you just couldn’t find the words or the way to do so, then you knew him. If you ever dared to dream your dream and set your sights accordingly and then devoted your every move toward that end, no matter what, then you knew him well. And if you have not yet dared to follow your passion with quite that degree of intensity, then perhaps you can know him still.
An invitation to Spirit; it is Eternal. It never passes you by.
The messages that I share with you come from a space that is so magnificently collaborated by him, his work and my own experience of the invitation to Spirit shaped by my life with Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.
Thank you, Dad. You are my hero.
May we celebrate Life in every way possible. What I know matters most is Love. So, may we find a thousand ways more to Love.
With the Greatest Love,
Dr. M.T. Morter is the man responsible for sharing with the world the gift of healing that we know as BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.).
A visitation will be held at Stockdale Funeral Home in Rogers, Arkansas on Saturday, May 25th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. A graveside service will be held on Sunday, May 26th at the Rogers Cemetery in Rogers, Arkansas at 2:00 p.m. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Friday, September 13th in Dallas, Texas, preceding his very favorite seminar, B.E.S.T. Homecoming. In lieu of flowers, Dr. Morter would want you to support B.E.S.T. Research International in its ongoing efforts to share B.E.S.T. with the world.
Last evening at 11:11 pm, and in the beautiful Light of the full moon, my father, Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr., took his last breath on the earthly plane, in Peace and Golden Light. He was blessed in the sacred space of his loving family.
In the final days of his life there was much healing, integration and reunion and celebration. May we all aspire toward that every moment of our lives.
His life’s work was focused on improving the health of mankind worldwide, and he has done exactly that. Letters and messages from around the world are pouring in to thank and celebrate him for literally saving, changing or improving their lives and in countless ways “making them a better person.”
May we all aspire to hold that space for even just one.
In this moment, I am sitting in my father’s private office, experiencing the Both/And to its fullest: Both the deep grieving of what appears to be a loss in my physical dimension and a celebration of all of Life and an invitation to meet with him in the non-physical version of myself: An invitation to Spirit.
Many of you had the opportunity to experience my father directly and many of you did not, but all of you knew him: If you ever saw or felt the passion of Life, learning and an inquiry toward what matters most, you knew him.
If you ever returned to the basics when life got too complicated and just took a walk in the garden or the grass, you knew him.
If you ever just dropped inside and went with what you deeply felt to be true regardless of what the authorities, experts or the common crowd would think, you knew him. If you felt the victory of a great achievement or the frustration of being grossly misunderstood, or if you simply wanted to be better at some things than you were able to be in any given moment, but you just couldn’t find the words or the way to do so, then you knew him. If you ever dared to dream your dream and set your sights accordingly and then devoted your every move toward that end, no matter what, then you knew him well. And if you have not yet dared to follow your passion with quite that degree of intensity, then perhaps you can know him still.
An invitation to Spirit; it is Eternal. It never passes you by.
The messages that I share with you come from a space that is so magnificently collaborated by him, his work and my own experience of the invitation to Spirit shaped by my life with Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr.
Thank you, Dad. You are my hero.
May we celebrate Life in every way possible. What I know matters most is Love. So, may we find a thousand ways more to Love.
With the Greatest Love,
Dr. M.T. Morter is the man responsible for sharing with the world the gift of healing that we know as BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.).
A visitation will be held at Stockdale Funeral Home in Rogers, Arkansas on Saturday, May 25th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. A graveside service will be held on Sunday, May 26th at the Rogers Cemetery in Rogers, Arkansas at 2:00 p.m. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Friday, September 13th in Dallas, Texas, preceding his very favorite seminar, B.E.S.T. Homecoming. In lieu of flowers, Dr. Morter would want you to support B.E.S.T. Research International in its ongoing efforts to share B.E.S.T. with the world.
【電解水機園地】戴毅銘 2015.12.15
2004.3-4月間,費了好多時日工夫,才終於發現了莫特醫師寫的這本書-your personal guide to wellness 中譯: 聽! PH值會說話。若不是因著莫特醫師的寶貴學識和見解,不會誕生【電解水機園地】,一個在網路空間努力耕耘了11年多的Website of Water-Ionizer。感謝主,使我在知識口才上都全備,沒有一樣不及人的…。因著這樣的知識能力和信心,使我在這漫長的時日中,雖遭遇各樣的困難,我都不致仆倒,還能剛強站住。( 2013.03.31蒙恩受洗 )
泰德莫特醫師的生命價值和為人們身體健康所做的努力,藉著他的兒女們的傳揚和發展,這樣的仁愛良善作為,實實在在都彰顯出主祢奇妙無比的大能大力。願 神帶領孩子們前方的道路,祢是我們永遠的倚靠和隨時的幫助。